Designing toys for international markets
How to build a toy business? You probably have a lot of questions in your mind. Do I need a license to make this toy? What kind of intellectual rights are involved such as trademark or copyright? How to promote your business to an international markets?
Dr. Raymond Choy had developed a keychain concept figure series and named it the Qee keychain collection. Through his passion, he would continue to break down the borders between product design, art and graphics. His determination to succeed would help the Qee become a symbol associated with the Toyer and Toy2r brand worldwide. Dr. Raymond Choy was awarded Fellowship by Canadian Chartered Institute of Business Administration and Honorary Doctorate by Lincoln University, US.
Wednesday 28 October 2020 | 3:30pm
如何開展玩具業務?你可能有很多問題想問? 需要申請許可證來製造這個玩具嗎? 主要涉及版權、專利、商標等領域?如何將你的玩具設計推廣到國際市場?
蔡博士將Toy2R變成為一間集創作、玩具公仔設計、生產、製作及批發的世界知名香港品牌公司。以創新意念,設計獨特而新穎的專利鑰匙圈玩具系列,建立了以刺激設計師玩具發展成大眾化消費品為目標的Qee名牌,積極地用美術 "藝術" 來推廣,突破產品設計、繪畫與藝術之間的界限,讓藝術玩具變成了一個可供大規模消費的生活用品。蔡博士獲頒美國林肯大學榮譽管理博士及加拿大特許管理學院院士。
傳意設計網上研討講座直播 10月28日 (星期三) 下午三時三十分 |
Post Date: 2020-10-28 00:00:00 | Author:
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